With Xojo 2014 Release 2, the Inspector has been improved to make better use of screen space.
Comments closedAuthor: Paul Lefebvre
Starting with Xojo 2014 Release 2, you can easily specify your own custom plist settings for your OS X apps.
Comments closedI hear a lot from people that want to make database apps using Xojo but don’t know where to get started.
Comments closedXojo 2014 Release 2 includes 31 new examples, bringing the total number of examples included in Xojo to about 250.
Comments closedThere were several improvements to web controls in Xojo 2014 Release 2. Read on to learn more:
Comments closedNow that you’ve finished creating your Windows app, how do you distribute it to Windows users? Microsoft Windows users expect an installer, so you can’t really get away with just using a ZIP file to distribute your apps. What are your options?
2 CommentsWhen you sign up for a Xojo Cloud account, you are assigned an IP address for your server. Pointing a domain name at it is pretty easy.
Comments closedIn this Dynamic Controls webinar, I covered how to use dynamic controls in your desktop and web apps.
Comments closedFirebird is a completely free (cost and license), cross-platform database with some interesting features.
Comments closedThe Fun with Files webinar (which occurred on Tuesday, April 8th) covered many ways that you can work with files in your Xojo apps. Did you miss it? If so, here is a quick recap.
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