Xojo has an extensive testing period where actual users test a pre-release version with their projects but if you are wondering what kind of testing we do internally before each pre-release of Xojo, we have quite a bit of automated testing processes. There are over 400 tests just for the compiler alone. Already, we are approaching 300 tests for our Android framework. In total, across all supported platforms, there are over 2500 automated tests.
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About two years ago, at XDC 2015 in Austin, Philippe Casgrain from LightSpeed did a bonus presentation on the benefits of Continuous Integration when building projects with Xojo. Coincidentally, we at Xojo had decided just days before that we needed to move away from manual builds and automate as much of our build process as possible to keep up with the increasing complexity and number of our frameworks (later that summer we would be going from 3 to 8). After the presentation, we heard from several developers asking when the limitations of automated builds would be addressed and because we were working on our own process, it gave us an excellent place to try out new things while ironing out the wrinkles.
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