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Tag: Code Editor

5 Xojo IDE Tips to Improve Productivity in Large Projects

When you’re working on small to medium-sized projects, Xojo’s default IDE window view is probably all you need: all the elements of the project are in plain view and you can easily switch between them. However, things inevitably get more complex when dealing with larger projects. You may need to locate and edit several related items, larger projects likely include multiple methods, events, properties and modules, all of which may be be in their own folders created to organize their functionality or components.

In this article we will highlight several functions provided by the Xojo IDE that allow you to speed up and improve productivity in your large projects.

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2022: Welcome Back!?

Does anyone else feel like 2022 is the first year in many years where we have gotten back together, in-person, for big events, small get-togethers, travel and even the daily office grind? Whether that is the right thing to have done or not, it seems that is what many of us did in 2022. Though we all tried new things to stay connected over the past few years (Zoom-fatigue anyone?), there’s nothing like seeing an old friend after years apart.

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