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Tag: URLConnection

Effortless HTTP Requests in Xojo: Using Curl in Xojo with URLConnection

If you’re familiar with the command-line tool curl, you may wonder how to use curl in Xojo effectively. Curl is a powerful tool for making HTTP requests, but it’s not always the most convenient for working within a graphical application like Xojo. That’s where Xojo’s URLConnection class shines! It provides a simple and elegant way to make HTTP requests directly from your Xojo code, making it easy to use curl in Xojo. In this article, you will learn how to adapt common curl commands to Xojo’s URLConnection. Let’s get started.

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Testing REST-based Web Services

Using Xojo’s URLConnection to communicate with web services is pretty straightforward. But testing the actual REST API calls can get tricky. To make it easier to test and experiment with REST API calls, Paul created a app in Xojo for doing just this. He called it RESTy in its original format back in 2015. You can download the updated project here built with Xojo 2022r4.1.

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