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Month: January 2015

Coding To Be Lazy

I know a lot of people like to write their local variable declarations like this:

dim i, i, j as integerdim k as double, s as string, b as boolean

Personally, I don’t and the reason is not that I like typing…

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Guest Post: Learning Xojo

Bob Keeney has been an active member of the Xojo community since 2001. BKeeney Software has offered Xojo consulting work for 15 years with happy clients all around the world. Bob blogs regularly on Xojo and developer topics at

I think that Xojo is an amazing product. Clients love the simplicity and power of Xojo which is not found in many software development products. Part of what makes it a great product to work with is the wide array of options to learn more about the language- whether it’s for someone who’s new to programming trying to get an introduction to the language or for an experienced programmer trying to do a deep dive into the framework and what Xojo is capable of.

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