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Category: Web

Posts related to web development.

A complete Dockerfile for Web Apps

For a comprehensive guide on deploying Xojo web apps to any server, please refer to the video tutorial available at:

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More Control Over Your Charts

Starting with Xojo 2024r4 the Chart feature provides even more control over how DataSets are drawn through new properties on Desktop, Web and iOS. Also, for Desktop, the Chart control adds two new Event handlers to draw the datapoints of the chart in any way you want.

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Working with PDFTableDataSource from Sources Other Than RowSet

Some users on the Xojo Forum recently asked how to render tables on a PDFDocument using the PDFTableDataSource class interface when the dat source does not comes from a RowSet. Well, the truth is that it doesn’t differ too much from when it does! Continue reading and I will show you how using a simple example.

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