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Category: Database

All posts related to using databases.

Xojo Programming Language: 6 Fascinating Facts

Xojo is similar to VB, Java and C#

The Xojo programming language is fully object-oriented and uses an object model that is quite similar to VB, Java and C#. If you are used those languages at all, you’ll be right at home with Xojo.

Available since 1998, Xojo was one of the first languages to use Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), something that other languages such as Swift and Objective-C now use. Xojo is type-safe and fully object-oriented making it easy to learn and use, but it also has advanced features such as namespaces, extension methods, exception handling, introspection, delegates and more.

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The Chinook Sample Database

Have you ever needed or wanted a populated sample database with several related tables to play around with? Perhaps you are learning about databases and database design or perhaps you want to try out a new tool such as Xojo but want a pre-build database to start with.

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Why Xojo Cloud? Because Updating A Linux Server Is Complicated On Any Planet

I was up hours later than I should have been last night reading The Martian when, after discussing in detail how to hack some really old software in some really old equipment located about 54.6 million kilometers away, I read this line: ““Jesus, what a complicated process,” Venkat said. “Try updating a Linux server sometime,” Jack said.”

And my first thought was, “Oh!, that’s why we offer Xojo Cloud!”

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