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Xojo Programming Blog Posts

Xojo Apps and Heartbleed

As you may be aware, the “Heartbleed” bug in OpenSSL has made the rounds across the internet. As soon as it was disclosed this week we began an investigation to see where we were impacted. services were updated and our SSL certificate was quickly reissued. Xojo Cloud servers were also rapidly updated. This does mean that (like many sites) we were potentially vulnerable for a time until the patch was released.

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Xojo Cloud and Heartbleed

This week, a major vulnerability, referred to as “Heartbleed” was discovered in OpenSSL. Bruce Schneier, who blogs about Internet security, called it, “catastrophic” and “on the scale of 1 to 10, this is an 11.” Heartbleed has left just about anyone with a server scrambling to find out if their version of OpenSSL is affected or not and then taking measures to update OpenSSL and make sure everything is working again.

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