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Tag: Cast

Avoiding Memory Leaks with WeakRef

This is not that common of an issue, but it happens – when searching for memory leaks, remember to check any cross-referenced objects. Cross-referenced objects are, well, just that, objects that need to reference each other. For example, when “ClassA” needs to know about “ClassB”, and “ClassB” needs to know about “ClassA”. Continue reading to see how this can cause memory leaks in your projects and how to use Xojo’s WeakRef to fix it.

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Casting, get ready and keep the Type!

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) puts in our hands the ability to create apps in a flexible and powerful way. Xojo embraces that philosophy in the Xojo language itself, allowing us to implement code in a flexible way for reuse, extension and maintainability that reduces the development cycles. One of these language tools is, in fact, common in other low level programming languages: Casting or type conversion. If you are interested in this (and you should be), continue reading and discover what it is, why you should be interested in it and how can you use it in your next Xojo app!

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