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Tag: Memory

Avoiding Memory Leaks with WeakRef

This is not that common of an issue, but it happens – when searching for memory leaks, remember to check any cross-referenced objects. Cross-referenced objects are, well, just that, objects that need to reference each other. For example, when “ClassA” needs to know about “ClassB”, and “ClassB” needs to know about “ClassA”. Continue reading to see how this can cause memory leaks in your projects and how to use Xojo’s WeakRef to fix it.

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WeakRef and Memory Management

Object Oriented Programming with Xojo, and in this case Event Oriented Programming as well, is simply wonderful. You create objects (Instances) from the defined classes that act as templates and just let them roll. From there, the interactions made by the user are those that determine how objects interact with each other via sending messages to each other (method calls), the access to properties and also the execution of events.

However, sometimes the combination can simply reach unstable situations by the very nature of our applications and here is where failures can arise in memory management. Fortunately, we can keep this under control with the help of the WeakRef class.

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Sorry, You’ve Run Out of Memory

Most of us build apps without thinking too much about how much memory the app will need. Sure sometimes you end up creating an app that is a real memory buster but that’s unusual. With virtual memory, gone are the days when your app would just run out of memory and crash, or are they?

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