Want a quick and easy way to send notifications to your devices (iOS, Android and web browsers) from Xojo desktop and web apps? Perhaps you want to send a notification if a purchase is made, an error occurs or a long process has finished. If so, the free Pushover web service might be what you need!
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In desktop apps, you can use Xojo.Core.Locale to get the user’s locale for formatting dates and numbers. However, in a web app this value returns the locale used by the web server rather than the locale of the current user session.
To display dates formatted in the locale of the user session, you need to get the LanguageCode from WebSession and use that to create a locale that you can then use to display the date.
Comments closedIt is likely that later this week, Microsoft will be announcing Visual Studio for Mac. Is this really true? Why would they do this? What does it mean for Xojo users?
Comments closedJoin Paul as he talks with Xojo founder and CEO Geoff Perlman about XDC 2016, macOS Sierra, iOS 10, iPhone 7, Airpods and possible new…
Comments closedWith Xojo 2016r2 and later your iOS apps can access and use a new feature: iOS Location. This is a BIG feature to help you determine where in the world the device running your app is located and so you can react to its location. And you know what is even better? Implementing this feature is no-brainer.
Comments closedWant to see how easy it is to make an iOS app with Xojo? Check out Xojo Draw in the App Store. Released last week at the start of XDC 2016, Xojo Draw is an enhanced version of the Xojo Doodle sample project that is included with Xojo. Working on both iPhone and iPad, Xojo Draw lets you draw with touch and save your creations to the camera roll or send to other apps.
Comments closedAfter being available for just a week now, iOS 10 has already been installed on 34% of iOS devices. It may end up outpacing the adoption…
Comments closedIn this Xojo tutorial we will see how simple it is to make an iOS App that shortens an entered URL using the public API of Bit.ly. We will use our own subclass inherited from Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket, and the Declare statement in order to use some functions and methods found on the native Cocoa Touch API. In fact, the use of Declare is mandatory because with the new Xojo Framewok we don’t yet have access to the EncodeURLComponent function available with the old framework. This one is a big help in substituting any ilegal character with his hexadecimal value for the final URL’s composition.
Comments closedXojo is a great way to start making iOS apps. Whether you an app developer or you are just learning and want to make your own iOS apps, here are some reasons why you ought to look at Xojo.
Comments closedWhen you run your iOS projects from Xojo, they launch in the iOS Simulator. You can change which simulator starts by going to the Shared…
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