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Pair vs. Arrays and Dictionaries: Choosing the Right Tool For The Job

As developers, we are continuously seeking more refined and effective methods of data management for our apps. Although Arrays and Dictionaries receive the most attention, there is another class, Pair, that is underutilized yet has great potential in certain contexts.

This article will cover the Pair class, highlight its strengths, compare it with Arrays and Dictionaries, and assist you in identifying the most suitable tool for your needs.

What is the Pair Class?

In Xojo, the Pair class is a basic structure that stores two associated values: Left and Right. These properties can be of any data type, allowing you to pair together any two pieces of data.

Var myPair As New Pair("Pie", 15)
// or
Var myPair As Pair = "Pie" : 15

In the example above, myPair.Left is "Pie" (a String), and myPair.Right is 15 (an Integer). The Pair class is especially handy when you need to associate two pieces of data without the overhead of creating a dedicated class or structure.

Advantages of Using the Pair Class

1. Returning Multiple Values from a Method

Sometimes, you need a method to return more than one value. While you could use ByRef parameters or create a custom class, using a Pair provides a quick and clean solution.


Public Function GetMinMax(values() As Integer) As Pair
  Var minValue As Integer = values(0)
  Var maxValue As Integer = values(0)
  For Each value As Integer In values
    If value < minValue Then minValue = value
    If value > maxValue Then maxValue = value
  Return New Pair(minValue, maxValue)
End Function

// Usage
Var numbers() As Integer = Array(5, 2, 8, 3, 9)
Var result As Pair = GetMinMax(numbers)
MessageBox("Min: " + result.Left.StringValue + ", Max: " + result.Right.StringValue)

When processing data, you might need to temporarily associate two values without persisting them or creating a complex data structure.


Var people() As Pair
people.Append(New Pair("Alice", 30))
people.Append(New Pair("Bob", 25))
people.Append(New Pair("Charlie", 35))

For Each person As Pair In people
  MessageBox(person.Left.StringValue + " is " + person.Right.IntegerValue.ToString + " years old.")

3. Representation of Key-Value Pairs

While Dictionaries are designed for key-value storage, sometimes you might need to represent key-value pairs explicitly, such as when iterating over a Dictionary’s entries.


Var dict As New Dictionary
dict.Value("Red") = "#FF0000"
dict.Value("Green") = "#00FF00"
dict.Value("Blue") = "#0000FF"

For Each key As Variant In dict.Keys
  Var entry As New Pair(key, dict.Value(key))
  MessageBox(entry.Left.StringValue + " color code is " + entry.Right.StringValue)

Comparison: Pair vs. Arrays vs. Dictionaries

Understanding when to use the Pair class over Arrays or Dictionaries is crucial for writing efficient code.


  • Structure: Holds exactly two related values (Left and Right).
  • Type Safety: Both Left and Right can be any data type.
  • Usage: Ideal for associating two pieces of data temporarily or for methods that need to return two values.
  • Performance: Lightweight and minimal overhead.


  • Structure: Ordered collection of elements, accessible by index.
  • Type Safety: Elements are of the same data type (unless you use Variant arrays).
  • Usage: Best when dealing with lists of items where order matters.
  • Performance: Efficient for iterating over large collections.


  • Structure: Collection of key-value pairs, with unique keys.
  • Type Safety: Keys are typically String or Integer, values can be any data type.
  • Usage: When you need fast lookup of values by keys.
  • Performance: Optimized for key-based access; overhead of hash table management.

Considerations for Using Pair Instead of Arrays or Dictionaries

  • Simplicity: When you need to associate two items without creating a complex structure.
  • Temporary Associations: For short-lived pairings within methods or loops.
  • Returning Multiple Values: When methods need to return two related results.

Best Practices with Pair

  • Immutable Data: Since Pair is a class, be cautious when modifying Left or Right properties, especially if the Pair is shared among different parts of your code.
  • Descriptive Code: Use comments or naming conventions to clarify what Left and Right represent, as they do not provide semantic meaning on their own.


// Pair: Left = Product Name, Right = Price
Var productPair As New Pair("Laptop", 999.99)

Drawbacks and Constraints of the Pair Class

  • Lack of Clarity: Unlike custom classes or structures, Pair does not convey the meaning of its contents through property names.
  • Fixed Size: Limited to exactly two items; for more complex data, consider using a class or structure.
  • Reference Type: Being a class, Pair is a reference type, which can have implications for memory management and threading.


The Pair class is a handy tool that can simplify your code when you need to associate two related values. While it doesn’t replace Arrays or Dictionaries, the Pair class is valuable in particular situations that prioritize simplicity and efficiency.


Gabriel is a digital marketing enthusiast who loves coding with Xojo to create cool software tools for any platform. He is always eager to learn and share new ideas!