MacRumors reported that Google’s design chief for Apple platforms, Jeff Verkoeyen, announced that Google is switching from using a lot of custom controls in its iOS apps. this same device. You only get that if you use native user interface controls. That’s why Xojo has always provided native user interface controls, high-level access to native system functionality and compiled to native code.
Comments closedAuthor: Geoff Perlman
I’m happy to report that the Xojo engineers have overcome the hurdles that prevented building for macOS from Windows and Linux. The ability to cross-compile macOS apps from Windows and Linux will return in Xojo 2021r3.
Comments closedOne of the ways our Xojo MVPs help the community is by being on the lookout for areas that can be improved and bringing them…
Comments closedWe are excited about Microsoft’s announcement regarding Windows 11. A large portion of Xojo users develop on and/or for Windows. The new UI looks fantastic and will be a welcome upgrade for Windows users. Xojo and apps written in Xojo will run without modification on Windows 11.
Comments closedYou can still make a difference. You can make your voice heard on this issue by calling your representatives in Congress and the Federal Communications Commission to urge them to support Net Neutrality. They are not contacted as often as you might think which means your voice can have an oversized impact upon the issue. Contact them today and be a part of ensuring that the Internet remains a place of freedom and equality for all.
Comments closedOn this day 25 years ago I wandered into the local Chase Bank here in Austin, Texas to open a checking account for my latest venture. At that time I was planning to write custom software applications for various businesses that were interested in hiring me to do so. Not long after that, one of the developers who worked for one of my customers asked if I’d be interested in hiring him. Jason and I still work together to this day. What you now know as Xojo came along about 18 months later. As we prepared v1.0 to ship, we wound down the custom software development part of the business. We’ve been a development tools company ever since.
Comments closedDespite the uncertainty, 2020 has been a terrific year for Xojo by nearly every measure. We will continue to plan and be hopeful for the future and we look forward to seeing you in person at XDC London in October 2021. Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2021.
Comments closedOver the years, the list of technologies upon which Apple depends has grown longer. These technologies provide a great deal of benefit both to developers and end users. Fortunately, Apple provides, supports and maintains the tools required to use these technologies at no cost to developers. Unfortunately, Apple only provides tools that run on macOS.
Comments closedRight now, Xojo 2020r2 is in the late testing phase and will support building for Apple Silicon and Big Sur as well as many other new features and improvements.
Comments closedWe realized we misnamed a few APIs in the existing frameworks. Rather than live with those forever, we decided it made sense to change them now. Being consistent across the API surface is extremely important for both learning and productivity.
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