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Author: Javier Menendez

The Powerful World of Delegates

Delegates are one of those advanced features you can find in the Xojo programming language, and it’s a really powerful one! Once you discover and comprehend all the flexibility you can get from Delegates, I’m pretty sure you’ll start to start using them! Through the use of Delegates, you can dynamically change the code to execute.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Try Xojo

With so many programming languages and development environments around … why you should try Xojo? I could tell you more than 400,000 reasons to just jump-in right away; reasons I’ve heard for over 10 years now from Xojo users around the world that are building all kind of apps, products and solutions in all kinds of fields. Nevertheless, if I really think about, all of these reasons can be condensed into the following 10 main points. Continue reading and I’m pretty sure you will want to give Xojo a try too!

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Working with Arrays: Assignment vs Copy

If you’re starting to program with Xojo, then you’ll probably soon find yourself in a situation where you need to use one of the Container types: Array. In this case, it’s also probable that you might be confused at first as to why you don’t get what you expected when assigning the contents of a source Array to a target Array via the assignment operator (“=”).

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Canvas: How to Create Custom UI Controls

Xojo includes a good amount of UI controls available from the Library for Desktop, Web, iOS and Raspberry Pi targets. These are the pieces that allow you to layout the user interface of your apps: properties, methods and events that, when combined, define the specific behavior of the project at hand.

Sometimes, subclassing the available controls is the answer to add specific behaviors you need. But what happen when none of the controls offer what you need, whether visually or functionally? The answer is the Canvas class (for Desktop projects), WebCanvas class (for Web projects) and iOSCanvas class for iPhone and iPad devices. But how do you create your own UI controls from scratch? Read on to learn…

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Tip: How To Deal with A Lot of Columns in Database Tables

Most of the time, the access to our databases tables involves a small amount of columns (fields), so the use of the Field method of the RecordSet class is the most practical approach to retrieve the selected columns values. But what can we do when the query returns, for example, dozens of columns we need to get values from?

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