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Author: Paul Lefebvre

Database Usage with Web Apps

Using databases with web apps is not much different than using them with desktop apps, but there are a few things to keep in mind. The most important thing to note is that a web app allows multiple users. This means you’ll want your database connection to be unique for each user that connects to the web app, rather than global to the app itself (as is common in desktop apps). The simplest way to ensure this is to create the connection to your database in the WebSession.Open event handler, saving a reference to the connection as a property that you add to WebSession.


Windows App Requirements

Microsoft refactored their core app runtimes in 2015. They have made what they call a “Universal C Runtime” which has been distributed via Windows Update to all supported versions of Windows that stay up-to-date (which is the default behavior for Windows Update).

Starting with Xojo 2016r1, the Xojo Windows framework has been updated to use the latest Microsoft tools. This allows Xojo to stay up to date and allows the Windows support to be improved in future releases. This means that Xojo itself now uses the new Universal Runtime and your built apps now require it.

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