For the most part, designing mobile apps for Android and iOS is similar, but there are differences. Here are some important ones to keep in mind for a smoother Android experience.
Comments closedAuthor: Paul Lefebvre
In my session at XDC 2023, I talked about ways to design your apps so you reuse code across platforms. The first project is JSONReader, so let’s dive in.
Comments closedXojo’s Code Editor now lets you move a line or a selection up or down or duplicate entire lines (or a selection). To swap lines, put the cursor on a line and press Option+Up Arrow (Mac) or Alt+Up Arrow (Win/Linux) to move the line up in the code. Press Down arrow to move down.
Comments closedA feature in some other languages you may have seen is something called matrix math. These are operations you can perform on matrices, which are 2-dimensional arrays. Xojo does not have any matrix math functions built in, but using the Extends command you can add your own.
Comments closedIn Xojo 2022r4, we have updated our SQLite library to SQLite v3.39.4. I thought I’d highlight a few notable upgrades including: STRICT tables
PRAGMA table_list
Built-in JSON support
Like most file systems these days, Windows lets you have rather long filenames. But it was not always so! When Microsoft first bought what was…
Comments closedFor Xojo 2022r3, the team worked on a wide variety of things for the Bug Bash. Two notable areas that I worked on were the Code Editor and the updates to the Syntax Help Area and I thought you might like to hear a bit about them.
Comments closedXojo’s implementation of OpenGL maps directly to the OpenGL API. This means you can often use OpenGL tutorials on the internet with Xojo with almost…
Comments closedI was recently asked if there was a way to use Xojo Canvas Graphics to draw using the math X-Y coordinate system. First a little background. In Xojo (along with Java, .NET and many other languages), graphics are drawn where (0,0) is at the top left, X increases to the right and Y increases down. Other languages or APIs (Cocoa, for example) use a system where (0,0) is at the bottom left, X increases to the right and Y increases up.
Comments closedHow do you compute a massive number raised to the power of another huge number, modulo something else? Use Xojo to solve
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