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Category: Desktop

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Xojo’s PDFDocument Class, Beyond the Standard 14 and More

One of the trickier things when dealing with PDF document creation is typography. By default, the PDF typography handling in Xojo’s PDFDocument class includes the “standard 14“, 14 typefaces you can use freely without requiring them to be included as part of the document itself. This guarantees a very important thing: any user can open and view that PDF document as it was created, without the text suffering from typography substitution, style lost, variations in kerning and tracking, etc. The standard 14 include Times, Courier, Helvetica, Symbol and Zapf Dingbats.

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PDF Arrives at Xojo!

Xojo 2020r1 brings a highly requested feature to the Xojo IDE: the ability to create PDF documents from code! Now you can use the already familiar methods in Xojo’s Graphics class to create Standard PDF 1.4 documents with the PDFDocument class.

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Top-Rounded Rectangle

On the forum a user asked if there was a way to create a rectangle with only the top left and top right corners being rounded. Xojo’s built-in RoundRectangle control draws with all four corners rounded, so that was not an option.

One solution is to use a GraphicsPath to draw exactly what you want. With a GraphicsPath you can use the AddArc() method to add rounded corners and then draw the lines for the rest of the rectangle.

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Tip: LinkLabel on Desktop

The Xojo Web Framework offers the WebLink class ready to use which handles showing the text with the proper visuals and the opening of the underlying URL in the browser. But if you need to have that feature on Desktop, it’s not that hard! Continue reading so I can show you one possible implementations to create your own LinkLabel class on Desktop.

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Starting Graphics with GraphicsPath

In Xojo there is a new class, GraphicsPath, that you can use to create graphics as a mathematical description of shapes and lines; ranging from simple lines to Bézier curves, arcs, rectangles, there are many advantages to using these! For example, as a class on its own, it doesn’t even needs a graphical context (Graphics) in order to describe the shapes you want to use, and the mathematical representation means more control and precision. Simply put, you only need to join the points!

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2020 Xojo Design Award Winners

Today we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Xojo Design Awards. Judging is never an easy job, but this year the submissions were such a diverse range of apps we found it both exciting and difficult! The Design Awards honor excellence in software design. These awards are a great opportunity to learn about some of the best apps made with Xojo. Support Xojo and the Xojo community by sharing and congratulating these winners!

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