It’s week 12 of #JustCode and I’m in in Munich, Germany at the MBS Xojo Developer Conference! I’ve never been to Germany and had no idea what the temperature would be, so instead of using the Weather Channel, I found a web API called OpenWeatherMap and built an iOS app to fetch the weather for display in a table. I even implemented the new table refresh feature added to Xojo 2018r2.
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Posts related to iOS development.
Xojo 2018 Release 2 brings several improvements to iOS features such as iOSTable, iOSView and more.
Comments closedSometimes the idea for a great little app comes down to solving a silly little problem.
Last month, the family went mini-golfing for my son’s birthday. It was a lovely course called Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf right next to the ocean. But they didn’t have scoring stands and we had to use a tiny pencil on a little cardboard scorecard to keep score. So this week’s app is a simple iOS app track of mini-golf scores!
The iOS app has two screens. The main screen has a giant Table that lists all the 18 holes. You tab on the detail button for a row (it’s the “I” icon) to go to the scoring screen.
Comments closedThese days everyone has a great idea for an app. Maybe you have an idea that would save you time at work, or maybe you’ve been thinking of an app that would automate something you do at home. Not sure where to start? One of your first steps is choosing a development tool that is right for you and for your project.
Here are five questions to guide your decision:
Comments closedYou can call into Cocoa Touch APIs to use methods and properties that are not built into the framework by using the Declare command. To create a Declare statement you first need to track down the API you want to use in Apple’s documentation: Apple Developer Documentation. Most of the time you will reference the Foundation and UIKit libraries, but there are many other libraries as well. Xojo Declares use the Objective-C names so be sure to refer to those in the documentation rather than the Swift naming.
Comments closedThe Xojo community is vibrant and active, with all kinds of clever, open-source software being created for iOS, desktop, web and Raspberry Pi. By my latest count, there are at least 80 open-source projects for Xojo on GitHub and other places!
Comments closedThe other day I saw this article on Dev.To: A Universe in One Line of Code with 10 PRINT
It talks about how you could make a maze-like structure on a Commodore 64 with just this one line of code:
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
The author then goes on to show you how you might do something similar using Python and pygame.
I love all things retro and this seemed like fun, so I thought I would whip up the same thing in Xojo.
Comments closedThe other day Geoff was working an iOS project and asked me if there was a way to hide the border on an iOS Text Field. It turns out that this is pretty easy. Here’s how.
Comments closedIf the deprecations and changes to the FileMaker platform have you searching for alternatives, Xojo is a solid place to start. FileMaker developers use Xojo for a variety of reasons, including lower cost, more powerful apps and native iOS apps.
Xojo is a powerful, full-featured development tool and as far as professional development tools go, Xojo is amazingly easy to use. For people with programming experience or those that want to learn, Xojo is a great choice for creating powerful apps to meet any business need – from cross-platform desktop apps, web apps, mobile and iOT apps.
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