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Category: Cross-Platform

Xojo Cloud is now in Sydney!

We’re happy to add Sydney, Australia to the worldwide locations of Xojo Cloud servers. That makes nine cities that you can host your Xojo Cloud web apps in. Offering worldwide coverage for Xojo Cloud makes it easier to get your Xojo web applications close to the users that are using them, improving the speed and overall experience for your users.

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The Versatility of Xojo

Many people around the world are celebrating the holidays by giving gifts, which means more and more people are organizing Secret Santa events. In November of 2018, Jérémie Leroy had the idea of making a Secret Santa iOS app. 3 years, 32 languages and 6.5 millions downloads later, Jérémie incorporated Xojo Web to improve his highly successful Xojo iOS app. Secret Santa is a prime example of what is possible and how you can leverage your Xojo skills to expand to other platforms when you need to.

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Xojo Github Actions

Would you like to automate the build processes of Xojo built applications with GitHub Actions? With no user interaction the whole process can be performed:…

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