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Category: Cross-Platform

HTMLViewer Engines on Windows

HTMLViewer on the desktop has two engines that you can select from, Native and Webkit. Native uses the built-in browser engine on each platform – Webkit on OS X, Internet Explorer on Windows, and Webkit on Linux, if it’s installed. If you select “Webkit”, the Chrome Embedded Browser libraries are included with your built app and HTMLViewer will use that instead. There are pros and cons to each, but usually the reason people choose WebKit over Native on Windows is because choosing Native gets you whatever the minimum version of Internet Explorer is for a particular OS. This means:

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Don’t Give Mobile the Cold Shoulder

A recent article on Computer Business Review asks “Why are developers giving mobile the cold shoulder?” The article cites the State of Mobility 2015 Global Developer Study by Progress (they do not provide a link to the study).

Perhaps the reason is because mobile developers have not yet tried to see how quickly you can create mobile iOS apps with Xojo?

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Computers For Cross-Platform Development

Since we make a popular cross-platform development tool, I’m often asked “what type of computer should I get for cross-platform development”?

You might think that can be a tricky question to answer because they are so many different types of computers. But there is only one computer that can run the three major operating systems without violating a EULA: a Mac.

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