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Category: Windows

Posts related to Windows-specific development.

Windows ICU Changes

For many years, Xojo included prebuilt ICU libraries (International Components for Unicode) on Windows to ensure consistent Unicode behavior across platforms. However, maintaining and updating…

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Working with PDFTableDataSource from Sources Other Than RowSet

Some users on the Xojo Forum recently asked how to render tables on a PDFDocument using the PDFTableDataSource class interface when the dat source does not comes from a RowSet. Well, the truth is that it doesn’t differ too much from when it does! Continue reading and I will show you how using a simple example.

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Popovers for Xojo Desktop, Web and iOS

Starting with Xojo 2024r1 there’s a new Window type in Xojo’s UI/UX bag: Popovers. Popovers are kind of a Modal window with a more transient behavior and associated with a Parent control. A Popover will display the chosen content or layout, the same as when you design the user interface of a window or a Container control that will be included as part of another more complex design or displayed at runtime.

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