It’s always a good time to learn something new! And maybe you have some free time on your hands now? We know our screen time is up this year, so let’s put that extra screen time to good use and learn a new skill – programming. If you are going to add programming to your skillset, it’s logical to begin with a language that makes it simple to learn the basics of programming. Let me show you a learning path you can follow over 14 days that is aimed at giving you a confident and capable to start to programming.
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This tutorial will show you how to deploy your SQLite based projects so they behave right on Desktop, Web and iOS, copying the database file to the right place on every target.
Comments closedDelegates are one of those advanced features you can find in the Xojo programming language, and it’s a really powerful one! Once you discover and comprehend all the flexibility you can get from Delegates, I’m pretty sure you’ll start to start using them! Through the use of Delegates, you can dynamically change the code to execute.
Comments closedOften when debugging an application, you’ll need to enter the same data in the same fields over & over. There is a temptation to set the value of the field to the test data. The downside of this is that you need to remove all those defaults before deploying your application.
Comments closedSometimes it is necessary, or at least user-friendly, to adjust your interface when the user holds down modifier keys.
Comments closedLearn to create a solar system in Xojo with the help of the MBS Xojo Plugin component SceneKit. SceneKit is an Apple framework that supplies functions for graphic and animation designs.
Comments closedAs a follow-up to our post on Escaping Quotes in Strings, someone asked how they might deal with something such as the tab character in a String. Unlike with a quote, dealing with a non-visual character (such as a tab or end-of-line) in a String is trickier because you can’t actually type those characters. So instead you have to refer to the character another way.
Comments closedHere’s a quick tip about embedding quotes in your string literals. Let’s say you need to put quotes inside a string. The most common way…
Comments closedIn the newest version of the MBS Xojo Plugin 10.0 we offer functions for the use of JavaScript in your Xojo solutions. If you have a problem that you want to solve, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel again and again.
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