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Category: Learning

An Insider’s Top 10 Code-Free Tips To Being A Skilled Programmer

At Xojo we’re a company of programmers who work with programmers and after 21 years or so, we like to think we know our stuff. In honor of International Programmer’s Day today, we’d like to offer our experience in the form of a listicle 😉

Whether you’re new to programming or an experienced developer, there are some things you’ll just never find in a reference manual. We’re passionate about writing good code and these are our 10 tips to be a better programmer.

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How To Record Video Demos for your iOS Apps

If you are making commercial iOS apps, you’ll want a video demo. Video demos can be added to the app store and are great to use in multi-platform marketing and promotions. Keep in mind, a demo is typically short, definitely less than 1 minute and should highlight the core benefits of your app.

For some apps, you can just record the iPhone or iPad screen with another camera especially if you feel you need to show an actual finger doing the tapping. In most cases, however, that’s not necessary and a actual screenshot video would be more effective.

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Pro Tip: Inserting Text Quickly in a Xojo iOS App

Manipulating text can be a time-consuming operation. I recently found myself with the need to insert text in various places in a large text document. Normally I would use a regular expression to solve this problem, but this is an iOS app and Xojo doesn’t have regular expressions available for iOS just yet. So I wrote some code to loop through the document and find and replace. Then I wrote some better code to do it a lot faster.

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5 Tips For Setting Up Your Home Office for Sanity and Productivity

These days it seems everyone is working from home at least a few days a week. That is great for us humans and our home planet too. Your commute across the hall is quick and traffic-free, which is amazing for your personal stress-level and the local air quality. And your home office is likely to make you more productive and happier in your job, if set up right.

As more of us are working from home more often, it’s important to set some basic guidelines for your job and your sanity.

Here are 5 tips to help you set up your home office right, along with a peek into the Xojo team’s own offices.

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Raise Your Events The Right Way

The other day I was asked: “Dumb question of the day! An Event Definition can have a Return Type defined. What is the syntax for RaiseEvent to make use of the Return Type?”

But this isn’t a dumb question at all since there are actually two valid ways to do this. I find one more obvious than the other. Here are both solutions so you can decide for yourself:

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First Impressions Matter: 8 Surefire User Interface Design Tips

Your app’s user interface makes the first impression with your user and is vitally important to its success. With today’s modern development tools, it’s easy to create great user interfaces for your app.

Here are 8 proven tips to help ensure you create a user interface that your users will love.

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