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Category: Technology

Code Tip: How to Implement the ARC4 Encryption Algorithm

ARC4 is a symmetric encryption algorithm fast and easy to implement. Being symmetric does means that it uses the same function with the same key (varying from 40 to 2048 bits) both for cyphering and de-cyphering a block of data.

Is it the most secure or robust encryption algorithm around? Not really. But it provides a good amount of performance and you can take further steps in order to correct some of its flaws. So, continue reading if you are interested in having this one in your developer toolset implemented as a Class with separate methods to encrypt and decrypt a block of information (even if it uses the same function in both cases).

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Var, Dim or both?

API 2.0 added Var as an alias for Dim. Var is more recognized by coders from other languages and that’s great. Easily readable code is the goal, so I use both.

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Yes Facebook, you can be Native AND Cross-Platform

At Xojo we did the hard work of creating a framework with an API that manages the nuances, intricacies, and subtle yet important differences between 7 different platforms (macOS, Windows, Linux, web, Raspberry Pi, iOS and soon, Android) so you can focus on what makes your application unique. We have been doing it for over 20 years.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Try Xojo

With so many programming languages and development environments around … why you should try Xojo? I could tell you more than 400,000 reasons to just jump-in right away; reasons I’ve heard for over 10 years now from Xojo users around the world that are building all kind of apps, products and solutions in all kinds of fields. Nevertheless, if I really think about, all of these reasons can be condensed into the following 10 main points. Continue reading and I’m pretty sure you will want to give Xojo a try too!

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Why You Should Become Agile

As if software development isn’t hard enough, the approach you or your team adopts can make a dramatic difference in project success. Using a traditional project management approach may not lend itself to “learn, discover, and adapt” inherent with software development. Although most Xojo developers are aware of Scrum and other popular agile methodologies, it may be unnecessary to use. Being a Xojo developer and a Certified ScrumManager, my goal is to demystify how agility, specifically Scrum, helps improve product quality, prioritize functionality, and provides an intuitive framework to complete work.

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