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100 search results for "deploy"

Docker, Database Servers and Xojo

There are many ways to develop with Xojo and use Database Servers. You might be working on a multi user Desktop Application that stores data in a Database. Or you’re creating a multi user Xojo Web Application that needed to be scaled up to a couple of running instances – and use a Database for data storage. Or maybe you’ve written a mobile application that connects to a Backend REST API – again possibly written in Xojo (e.g. with the open source Express, or with Xojo Web).

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Performance Improvements in Xojo Web

The last big Xojo release in 2023 comes with a lot of performance improvements everywhere. The Xojo IDE itself is faster, which gives you Time to Reflect on Stack Optimization. In this post, I want to detail those improvements in Xojo 2023r4 that target Xojo Web including faster HandleURL responses, faster transfer rates in Windows and Linux, static assets cache control, Events improvements and a new experimental option.

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Simplicity and Security, Xojo Cloud is Ideal Hosting for Xojo Web Apps

Xojo Cloud is the premier hosting solution for developers looking for a reliable, secure and high-performance hosting environment for Xojo web applications. Xojo Cloud is developed specifically for Xojo web applications and offers a range of benefits for you and your applications that make it worth the investment.

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Build Settings: New macOS Minimum Version and Windows Supported Versions

Starting with Xojo 2022r4 we’ve helped you clarify the minimum operating system needed for your compiled desktop apps to run on. You will be able to set the macOS minimum version required to run your compiled apps. Plus updated “Runs On” build settings for Windows 10/11 and Windows 7/8 compatibility. Continue reading to learn how!

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