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Tag: Beginner Tips

Minimizing Overhead in Xojo Applications: Techniques, Tips, and Tricks

In the world of software development, efficiency is a central aspect. This is especially true for applications developed in Xojo. Excessive overhead can significantly impair performance and negatively affect the user experience. In this article, we will take a detailed look at what overhead is, how to identify it, and what techniques, tips, and tricks can be used to minimize it. We will particularly focus on using code profiling.

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Spotlight On: xDev Magazine

Launched in the summer of 2002, xDev is a bimonthly digital publication. Every issue is packed with over 70 pages of vital information: step-by-step tutorials by Xojo experts, columns for the beginner and expert, “behind-the-scenes” postmortems of popular programs made with Xojo, fascinating interviews, handy tips, product reviews and Xojo news. Subscribers to xDev receive download links to the PDF edition via email.

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Clean Coding in Xojo: Best Practices for Writing Maintainable Code

Clean coding is a vital aspect of software development that ensures code readability, maintainability, and scalability. In the context of Xojo, adhering to clean coding principles can significantly enhance the quality and longevity of your projects. In this blog post, we’ll explore key practices for clean coding in Xojo, including the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches, with detailed examples and explanations.

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From Iteration to Interaction with Type Casting

In software development, efficiency and user experience are paramount. One powerful technique that can help achieve both is the use of type casting combined with iteration. By iterating through controls and casting them to specific types, developers can dynamically manipulate user interface elements, resulting in more responsive and interactive applications. In this article, we will explore the concepts of type casting and iteration within Xojo applications. We will break down a practical example to demonstrate how these techniques can be used to optimize form handling and enhance user interactions.

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New Database Connections

While Xojo has always supported adding database connections, the old method was far from ideal. Let’s delve into the improved approach using the new DatabaseConnection project items and explore some recent additions to our database API.

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Advanced File Processing Techniques: Using Chunks for Handling Large Files

A recent blog post, A Beginner’s Guide to Handling Text Files in Xojo, covered the basics of text file handling in Xojo. This post delves into advanced techniques for reading and writing large files in chunks. This method is crucial for managing large datasets efficiently, minimizing memory usage, and maintaining application performance.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Handling Text Files in Xojo

As developers, we often need to work with text files. This could be for reading configuration settings, parsing log files, or generating reports. Text files are a common part of software development, and knowing how to access and manipulate them is important for building strong and flexible Xojo applications. In this article, we will make use the key Xojo classes and techniques for working with text files. We will start by looking at how to read the contents of text files using the TextInputStream class. You will learn how to read an entire file into a string and how to process the file line-by-line.

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Using Xojo and GitHub

Now that Xojo Lite includes support for saving projects in version control format, it seems like a good time to revisit how you can use Xojo with GitHub, the popular online Git hosting service.

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Version Control Ready Xojo Lite and Free Xojo Linux Lite for Everyone

Today we are pleased to announce some big changes to Xojo Lite. Beginning with Xojo 2024r1, new and existing Xojo Lite licenses are version control ready. That’s not all, now you can use Xojo’s free IDE to build Linux desktop and console apps from Linux, macOS, or Windows, no license required.

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