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Tag: iOSCanvas

iOS: KeyDown Arrives to MobileCanvas

As a direct result of user feedback, starting with Xojo 2023r2, the MobileCanvas control on iOS can now receive KeyDown events from the user, both from the on-device keyboard and any connected keyboard. In addition, this support is available in MobileTextArea, MobileTextField and MobileScreen.

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Canvas: How to Create Custom UI Controls

Xojo includes a good amount of UI controls available from the Library for Desktop, Web, iOS and Raspberry Pi targets. These are the pieces that allow you to layout the user interface of your apps: properties, methods and events that, when combined, define the specific behavior of the project at hand.

Sometimes, subclassing the available controls is the answer to add specific behaviors you need. But what happen when none of the controls offer what you need, whether visually or functionally? The answer is the Canvas class (for Desktop projects), WebCanvas class (for Web projects) and iOSCanvas class for iPhone and iPad devices. But how do you create your own UI controls from scratch? Read on to learn…

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