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Tag: Mobile

Deploying iOS Apps Inside Your Company

While the iOS App Store is a great solution for commercial software, not all iOS apps are for public use. If you are building an app just for use inside your company, you won’t want to go through Apple’s app review process (which can take weeks) nor make your app available to the general public. How do you quickly and easily deploy an iOS app just for use by others in your organization?

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Xojo iOS Examples

Need some inspiration or some helpful code to get your first Xojo iOS app started? Take a look at a sampling of the iOS example apps that are included in Xojo iOS!

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There and Back Again: The Evolution of the Graphical User Interface

30 years ago this past January, Apple launched the Macintosh and with it, the first widely available computer with a Graphical User Interface or GUI. If you are less than 25 years old, there’s a very good chance you’ve never used a computer that didn’t have a graphical user interface. But at the time, it was a radical departure from the way in which most people interacted with a computer. Over the past 30 years, the GUI has evolved and in some ways has come full circle.

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Progress Report: iOS Auto Layout in Xojo

We continue to work towards Xojo support for iOS. Since the last update, we have been working on support for Auto Layout. We demonstrated Auto Layout at XDC last year. However, at the time we only had support for it in the framework; not the IDE. In case the term Auto Layout is unfamilar to you, it’s a technology for controlling the size and postion of controls. In Xojo today, you use the locking properties. We determined early in the development of our iOS framework that locking would not be sufficent for iOS since the user will often radically change the size of the layout by rotating the device. Instead of locking, you will use Auto Layout. Think of it as locking on steroids.

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