Introduction When developing applications with Xojo, choosing the right backend is crucial for managing data efficiently. Traditionally, Xojo developers rely on SQL databases such as…
Comments closedTag: Multi-Platform Development
We’ve gotten a requests over the last few months asking about Xojo’s support for Windows on ARM and it seems like some people are not…
Comments closedThe demand for skilled full-stack developers continues to grow in 2024. These developers handle both the frontend and backend of applications, ensuring a smooth user experience from start to finish. As businesses strive to deliver robust, efficient and visually appealing applications, developers and their choice of programming tools can impact the speed, scalability and overall performance of a full software solution.
Presented with choosing what development tool is best for your main, full-stack development needs, let’s discuss the benefits of Xojo development platform for your next web project. With its simplicity, flexibility, and powerful features, Xojo will help you create high-quality web applications quickly and efficiently, with the added bonus of covering backend and frontend development in the same IDE—no more language switching—while also lowering your overall costs.
Comments closedBased on user feedback, we added new functionality to the Chart control for Desktop, Web and iOS. Xojo 2024r2 includes inline labels for Pie charts, more rendering options and full DarkMode support. You will also find fixes to a bunch of Chart related bugs.
Comments closedThe technology and development world is always changing. First released in 1998, Xojo’s longevity is a testament to its ability and willingness to adapt from…
Comments closedStarting with Xojo 2024r1 there’s a new Window type in Xojo’s UI/UX bag: Popovers. Popovers are kind of a Modal window with a more transient behavior and associated with a Parent control. A Popover will display the chosen content or layout, the same as when you design the user interface of a window or a Container control that will be included as part of another more complex design or displayed at runtime.
Comments closedIn this tutorial learn to design a cross-platform control that dynamically previews images and PDF files. Files can dragged and dropped onto the control, opened from the standard file selection dialog, and, in the case of images, added using Copy and Paste. The file path will be displayed below the addendum file.
Comments closedXojo Lite is designed to introduce new users to developing and building apps with Xojo. Usually $149, Xojo Lite is only $99 for a limited time.* A great way to build your first apps, Xojo Lite lets you build unlimited apps for a single platform for only $99. Build your apps for any single desktop platform, using the current Xojo release and all releases for the next 12 months.
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