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Year: 2021

PDFDocument: Adding PDF Forms

Added to PDFDocument in Xojo 2021r3 is the ability to create PDF Forms (aka AcroForms) in your PDFs. This means that it is possible to add the following Form controls to a PDF: PDFButton, PDFTextField, PDFTextArea, PDFCheckBox, PDFRadioButton, PDFPopupMenu, PDFComboBox, PDFListBox

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New Desktop Controls

Xojo 2021 Release 3 Xojo introduces a new set of Desktop controls. Each of these controls replaces its original control counterpart and is prefixed with Desktop. For example, Window is now DesktopWindow and TextField is now DesktopTextField. The driving logic behind these new controls is that they allow us to make their event names match the Web and Mobile versions. In addition, the new controls gave us the opportunity to make some other changes to various methods that would have been problematic to make in the existing controls. Desktop controls now are a much closer match in terms of API to their Web and Mobile equivalents. These new controls make more code work without changes when you move from one project type to another.

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