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Using a WebDataSource to Display Millions of Rows in a WebListBox

If you are wondering why you would use a WebDataSource for your WebListBox, this post gives you some arguments and tips for making that decision and implementing it.

Why would you need a WebDataSource, isn’t AddRow enough?

If you are making a quick prototype, or for small data sets that won’t grow too much, yes, you can absolutely place a WebListBox into your WebPage and fill it using AddRow. If your WebListBox displays a fixed, small amount of data, say around 500~1000 rows, WebDataSource can be overkill.

However, for data that comes from a large database, it’s a different story. You could waste precious server resources duplicating the same data you have in your database into your app’s memory. And even worse, the data would be duplicated in every Session seeing that WebListBox.

In this tutorial, this is the WebListBox we are going to build:

Let’s prepare a million records database to play with.

In this example we will use a humble SQLite database, but keep in mind a WebDataSource can be anything. For example you could display the result of calling an external API, or your hard drive filesystem.

The following SQL creates a table called “things”, with three columns: “foo”, “bar” and “baz” with one million rows:

  foo TEXT,
  bar TEXT,
  baz TEXT

-- Time to populate that table
      x + 1 
      cnt LIMIT 1000000
INSERT INTO things (foo, bar, baz)
    'foo_' || x AS foo,
    'bar_' || x  AS bar,
    'baz_' || x AS baz
FROM cnt;

-- Finally, let's create some indexes, so we can sort the columns quickly
CREATE INDEX "idx_foo" ON things (
    foo, id, bar, baz

CREATE INDEX "idx_bar" ON things (
    bar, id, foo, baz

CREATE INDEX "idx_baz" ON things (
    baz, id, foo, bar


We just need to store this SQL as a string constant, for convenience. Let’s create one, called kDatabaseSetupSQLite in your Application class, and paste it above the SQL code.

First Time Setup

The first time we launch the application, we need to make sure our database file has been created and populated. It won’t take too much to generate the database, but we’ll try to do it just once anyway.

Create a new method in your App class, called DBFile, that returns a FolderItem, pointing to the place we want to store the DataBase. Make it Public, as we will use this method later from the Session. The contents:

Return SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test-db.sqlite")

Nothing fancy. Use another path if you want. It will be around ~200MB, just remember to delete it when you don’t need it anymore.

Let’s create another App method, called SetupDatabase. It will be in charge of creating and populating the database just once, so if you restart the server, the data will still be there:

Var db As New SQLiteDatabase
db.DatabaseFile = DBFile
db.WriteAheadLogging = True

// The file is already there, no need to build it again
If db.DatabaseFile.Exists Then
End If


Lastly, implement the App.Opening event and add a method call to SetupDatabase:


That should do the trick.

Preparing the Session

It’s recommended to have a Database instance for each Session. Add a new public Property to your Session class called Database of type SQLiteDatabase.

Then, add a handler for the Opening event with the following code:

Database = New SQLiteDatabase
Database.DatabaseFile = App.DBFile
Database.WriteAheadLogging = True

Every time a user arrives to the web application, a new isolated SQLiteDatabase connection will be created.

Implementing the WebDataSource Interface

Since Xojo 2024r2, the amount of methods you need in order to implement WebDataSource has been reduced.

Create a new class called DatabaseDataSource. Then, in the inspector panel, select the WebDataSource interface:

This includes the three required methods: ColumnData, RowCount and RowData.

In this method, you need to return an array of WebListBoxColumnData. We have four columns in this example, here is the code:

Var result() As WebListBoxColumnData
result.Add(New WebListBoxColumnData("ID", "id"))
result.Add(New WebListBoxColumnData("Foo", "foo"))
result.Add(New WebListBoxColumnData("Bar", "bar"))
result.Add(New WebListBoxColumnData("Baz", "baz"))

Return result

Xojo needs to know the amount of data your data source has. Returning an Integer is enough, but we will query our database.

  Var rows As RowSet = Session.Database.SelectSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM things")
  Return rows.Column("counter").IntegerValue
Catch DatabaseException
  Return 0
End Try

This is the place where you need to return the row contents. As you can see, there is a rowCount and a rowOffset parameter, meaning that we won’t need to return 1 million records. The control just loads a subset. The amount is dynamically calculated, and varies depending on the height of your WebListBox and the height of the rows.

A sortColumns parameter is also provided. If you allow your users to sort the columns, you need to use it to know the column and direction. Fortunately, this example has sortable columns. Here is the code to comply with the WebDataSource Interface:

Var sql As String = "SELECT id, foo, bar, baz FROM things"
If sortColumns <> "" Then
  sql = sql + " ORDER BY " + sortColumns
End If
sql = sql + " LIMIT " + rowOffset.ToString + ", " + rowCount.ToString

Var result() As WebListBoxRowData
Var rows As RowSet = Session.Database.SelectSQL(sql)

// This isn't needed, it's just to demonstrate how to use cell renderers
Var style As New WebStyle
style.Bold = True
style.BackgroundColor = Color.Teal
style.ForegroundColor = Color.White

For Each row As DatabaseRow In rows
  Var newRowData As New WebListBoxRowData
  newRowData.PrimaryKey = row.Column("id").IntegerValue
  newRowData.Value("id") = row.Column("id")
  newRowData.Value("foo") = row.Column("foo")
  newRowData.Value("bar") = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(style, row.Column("bar"))
  newRowData.Value("baz") = row.Column("baz")

Return result

Preparing the User Interface

You’ve reached the easiest part, building the interface takes less than a minute.

  1. Drop a DatabaseDataSource control into your WebPage
  2. Drop a WebListBox control into your WebPage
  3. In the WebListBox Opening event, configure the DataSource

If you name your DataSource instance “MyDataSource”, this is the line of code required in the WebListBox Opening event:

Me.DataSource = MyDataSource

Here is a short video:

That’s It!

The WebListBox control, when combined with a WebDataSource, is a very robust and performant solution for displaying a large set of data.

Download the project:

Happy coding!

Ricardo has always been curious about how things work. Growing up surrounded by computers he became interested in web technologies in the dial-up connections era. Xojo has been his secret weapon and language of preference since 2018. When he’s not online, chances are he will be scuba diving … or crocheting amigurumis. Find Ricardo on Twitter @piradoiv.