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Author: Geoff Perlman

Too Much Security Is Never Enough

This week we have seen another example of why you can’t be too paranoid about Internet security.

Code Spaces, a company that specializes in svn hosting (hosting your source code so your team can access it) announced that their servers were hacked big time. Apparently, the perpetrator began with a Denial of Service Attack then gained access to Code Spaces’ Amazon EC2 account. He or she then contacted Code Spaces via email in an attempt to extort a large fee to stop the attack. When the folks at Code Spaces attempted to take back control of their Amazon EC2 account, the hacker deleted all of their data including backups and off-site backups. Unable to recover, Code Spaces has made the decision to shutdown completely. The cost of the attack is just too great to continue.

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Spread the Word, Grow the Community

A bigger community is always beneficial to its members. More Xojo users lead to more ideas, more discussions and more resources for everyone. At Xojo we aren’t just marketing a development tool, we are advertising our truly amazing community! However, marketing is inherently met with a degree of skepticism. You say it can hold 12 times its weight in liquid, but can it really?

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Progress Report: iOS Auto Layout in Xojo

We continue to work towards Xojo support for iOS. Since the last update, we have been working on support for Auto Layout. We demonstrated Auto Layout at XDC last year. However, at the time we only had support for it in the framework; not the IDE. In case the term Auto Layout is unfamilar to you, it’s a technology for controlling the size and postion of controls. In Xojo today, you use the locking properties. We determined early in the development of our iOS framework that locking would not be sufficent for iOS since the user will often radically change the size of the layout by rotating the device. Instead of locking, you will use Auto Layout. Think of it as locking on steroids.

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Getting to Handle 50,000 Users, the US Government’s health insurance exchange website for states that didn’t provide their own, was supposed to handle about 50,000 to 60,000 simultaneous users. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know what a complete disaster the website as been. But it didn’t (and doesn’t) have to be that way.

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Microsoft is the Anti-Apple

This week Microsoft posted a series of videos on YouTube clearly mocking Apple’s creative process. One of the actors is obviously supposed to be Jonathan Ive. Some have said the other bears a resemblance to Steve Jobs and that if that’s who they were mocking, it’s in poor taste. While Microsoft is no stranger to poor taste, I think they were mocking Tim Cook, not Steve Jobs.

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Progress Report: iOS Support in Xojo

Update: Xojo iOS was released in Xojo 2014r3. Download Xojo today and try it today or give us 5 minutes and watch how easy it is get started with Xojo iOS!

We are continuing to work hard on support for building iOS apps with Xojo. We believe Xojo will provide the easiest and fastest way to build applications for iPhone and iPad. Our focus so far has been on the underlying framework. The video below includes a demo of an iOS app we created in Xojo. I showed a small part of this app at the Xojo Developer’s Conference earlier this year.


The beginning of the end of software patents?

Last week, the country of New Zealand (or “Middle Earth” for Lord of the Rings fans like me) joined the EU in passing legislation banning software patents. They did this because it’s becoming impossible for software developers to innovate without finding themselves violating someone’s patent. This drives up the cost of software development and drives down innovation.

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