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Author: Geoff Perlman

Using Emojis in Xojo

Xojo has very good graphics support. You can drop images into your project and use them with several controls. You can use the various Paint events to draw your own graphics. And there’s another source of graphics you may not have considered: emojis. Emojis can be used anywhere that text can be used because they are simply Unicode characters. That means they can be used in textfields, buttons, labels, popup menus, listboxes and more.

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Xojo and NetSuite

Tim has found that many NetSuite users want to create custom applications that interact with their data in NetSuite and Xojo is truly ideal for this. Some NetSuite users contract this work out to developers like Tim while others are interested in creating apps themselves. During the webinar, Tim and I demonstrated Xojo to NetSuite users while also demonstrating NetSuite to Xojo users who may be interested in incorporating it into their organizations or providing development services to NetSuite users.

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My Thoughts on the WWDC 2022 Keynote

I’ve learned over the years not to have any specific expectations from Apple’s WWDC keynote. Some years they introduce something big and new that we were pretty much expecting. Other years they blindside us. As the CEO of a company that creates tools for building apps for most of Apple’s ecosystem and given Apple’s history of secrecy, I’m understandably curious just how blindsided I might be each June. Fortunately, this year’s keynote was filled with features that ranged from mildly interesting to really awesome but all incremental improvements across Apple’s software line.

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New Xojo Documentation Site

We are always looking for ways to help you be more successful using Xojo and the documentation is a critical component to your success. With that in mind, we have been working on updating Xojo’s documentation for a while now. This Xojo Documentation uses a completely new engine, offers improved searching and more to help you, and us, use it more effectively.

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Automated Testing: How We Test Xojo Builds

Xojo has an extensive testing period where actual users test a pre-release version with their projects but if you are wondering what kind of testing we do internally before each pre-release of Xojo, we have quite a bit of automated testing processes. There are over 400 tests just for the compiler alone. Already, we are approaching 300 tests for our Android framework. In total, across all supported platforms, there are over 2500 automated tests.

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Improving Feedback

Being more efficient means we spend more time on making Xojo better for you. Feedback, our bug and feature tracking system, is a place where we spend a lot of time interacting with you and thus it’s something we very much want to improve. We have three improvements in mind. One will be made today and the other two will come sometime next year.

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New Desktop Controls

Xojo 2021 Release 3 Xojo introduces a new set of Desktop controls. Each of these controls replaces its original control counterpart and is prefixed with Desktop. For example, Window is now DesktopWindow and TextField is now DesktopTextField. The driving logic behind these new controls is that they allow us to make their event names match the Web and Mobile versions. In addition, the new controls gave us the opportunity to make some other changes to various methods that would have been problematic to make in the existing controls. Desktop controls now are a much closer match in terms of API to their Web and Mobile equivalents. These new controls make more code work without changes when you move from one project type to another.

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