Why doesn’t the WebGraphics class have a StringWidth method?
Comments closedAuthor: Greg O'Lone
Welcome to part two of our three part series on building an iOSTableView control for use in Xojo web projects using the WebSDK.
Comments closedThis is the first in a three-part series showing you how to make an iOSTableView control for use in a Xojo web projects using the WebSDK.
Comments closedA little over a year ago, we started adding the features that were needed to directly support SSL connections in standalone web apps. We ran into a few issues during beta testing which blocked our ability to release at that time and the feature was pulled.
A recent flurry of questions regarding this feature, and the addition of Travis Hill to the web framework team this fall, prompted us to look at this feature again. It turns out that the items which were blocking the release of this feature got fixed as a result of other bug fixes in the fall and we have been able to confirm that standalone SSL does in fact work! If you’re using Xojo 2013r3 or higher, you should be able to actually use them!
Comments closedMore and more customers are using Xojo to create applications that may contain private end-user information. This means that it’s becoming increasingly important that your web applications be protected with an SSL certificate and some kind of authentication to make sure the user is who they claim to be.
Comments closedIf you use WebSessionContext in your Xojo web projects, you’re probably aware by now that they’re not working very well. I thought I’d take a few minutes to tell you what’s going on and how we’re planning to fix it.
What is a WebSessionContext anyway?
First of all, a quick description of what WebSessionContext is supposed to do for you. WebSessionContext is a mechanism for accessing a particular existing WebSession from within an area of your application that would otherwise not know where it belongs. These include Threads, Timers, System Events, App Events, etc. Normally you could tell because you would get a SessionNotAvailableException when trying to access a particular WebSession in your code.
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