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Author: Paul Lefebvre

Time for a Reminder to Backup Your Data

If you work with computers, having backups of your data is essential. This particularly came to light recently with people testing out Apple Music and discovering that it could make a mess of your iTunes library. In fact, this happened to me!

But “luck favors the prepared” and I had backups, so this Apple Music glitch only proved to be an annoyance and not a catastrophe.

In my case, I just restored my iTunes library from my Time Machine backup. But I know far too many people that don’t even have any type of backup system in place. I’m here to help.

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Windows 10 is here!

Windows 10 is here, for some of you anyway. Yesterday (July 29th, 2015) marked the start of the roll out of Windows 10. If you reserved your copy using the prompt from your Windows 7 or Window 8 installation then you should soon have the option to download and install Windows 10, if you have not already.

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Music While You Code

With Apple Music now available, streaming services have really reached the mainstream. For those not in the know, a streaming service gives you access to their entire music library for a small monthly subscription. Rather than buying music you want to listen to, you have access to 20+ million songs that you can listen to at any time.

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Rapid Application Development

Although not a new trend in software development, rapid application development (
RAD for short) is again on the upswing. What is RAD? It’s all about creating software quickly. The technology world is
always changing rapidly and change only seems to accelerate. Being able to create your own software and easily adapt to changes is incredibly important to nearly every business.

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Gartner: Mobile apps can’t be created fast enough. What’s the solution?

Speaking at one of their conferences, Gartner principal research analyst Adrian Leow said last week that enterprises are increasingly finding it difficult to build all the mobile apps they need. The demand for mobile apps is increasing far faster than the supply of mobile developers can create them and it’s only going to get worse. This is clearly a problem.

There are three possible solutions to this problem:

  1. Find a way to decrease the demand of mobile apps. (Good luck with that one.)
  2. Increase the number of mobile developers.
  3. Decrease the time it takes to build mobile apps.

Solutions 2 and 3 are not mutually exclusive. You could potentially do both. Adrian Leow even points to the solution when he suggests that developers use rapid mobile app development tools. These tools can provide solution 3, but they don’t create necessarily create more developers.

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