The announcement at XDC 2015 of upcoming Xojo support for Raspberry Pi was greeted with enthusiastic applause. But after the keynote, I had several people come up to me and admit that they did not know what this Raspberry Pi is, so I thought I’d take a moment to give some background.
Comments closedAuthor: Paul Lefebvre
Xojo already creates 64-bit apps for iOS. Soon, it will also create 64-bit apps for other platforms. I, for one, welcome our new 64-bit Overlords. After all, they’ll be bringing you increased performance and increased memory! Even better, there is not much you’ll have to do to create 64-bit versions of your existing Xojo apps.
UPDATE October 2015: Xojo Builds 64-bit Apps Now
Comments closedWith Xojo 2015 Release 2, most of the new Xojo framework is available for all project types. This includes Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket, which adds support for HTTP 1.1.
Comments closedMuch of the new Xojo framework is available for all project types staring with Xojo 2015r2. The Data namespace includes two methods for dealing with JSON data: GenerateJSON and ParseJSON. This is how they are used in comparison to JSONItem in the old “Classic” framework.
Comments closedWith Xojo 2015 Release 2, much of the new Xojo framework is now available for use in all project types. Because the new Xojo framework uses namespaces, you might want to take advantage of the Using command to help make your code easier to read and write.
But first, a brief aside about namespaces. The Xojo framework uses namespaces to provide better grouping of related features and to allow for classes with the same name to co-exist (Xojo.Core.Dictionary and Dictionary, for example). In fact, you can mix classic framework code and Xojo framework code together in the same method!
Comments closedIn this episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks with Tim Hare of Telios Systems Company.
Comments closedIn XojoTalk 010, Paul talks with Tim Dietrich a newcomer to the Xojo development world.
Comments closedPi day this year is special because the year also fits into Pi, making it possible to have a specific “pi-time” (at least in the US where we write the month first). March 14, 2015 at 9:26:54AM has this value of Pi: 3.141592654.
Comments closedIn XojoTalk 009, Paul talks with Xojo Senior Engineer Norman Palardy.
Comments closedOur user community has been busy enhancing the capabilities of Xojo for iOS with Declares!
We have been quite pleased with the feedback we’ve received about Xojo iOS, but we are commonly asked when Xojo will support a specific iOS feature that it does not yet have. We will be adding new iOS features with each release, but you may not have to wait for us to add a feature. With a bit of knowledge about CocoaTouch and the use of the Declare command in Xojo, there are many things you can take advantage of today.
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