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Author: Xojo

Xojo Apps and Heartbleed

As you may be aware, the “Heartbleed” bug in OpenSSL has made the rounds across the internet. As soon as it was disclosed this week we began an investigation to see where we were impacted. services were updated and our SSL certificate was quickly reissued. Xojo Cloud servers were also rapidly updated. This does mean that (like many sites) we were potentially vulnerable for a time until the patch was released.

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Xojo Cloud and Heartbleed

This week, a major vulnerability, referred to as “Heartbleed” was discovered in OpenSSL. Bruce Schneier, who blogs about Internet security, called it, “catastrophic” and “on the scale of 1 to 10, this is an 11.” Heartbleed has left just about anyone with a server scrambling to find out if their version of OpenSSL is affected or not and then taking measures to update OpenSSL and make sure everything is working again.

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The End of QuickTime

For several years now, Apple has been telling developers to stop using QuickTime and move to AVFoundation, Apple’s preferred API for audio and video. This past June at WWDC, Apple took the next step labeling QuickTime as deprecated meaning that it would be receiving no further love and would eventually disappear entirely.

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Hunting Bugs in the IDE

While no one likes to admit it, we all write software that has bugs. Recently, I was analyzing some code that seemed to be slower than desired in the Xojo IDE and I literally stumbled on a bug that has very likely been causing issues in VCP projects for a while.

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English-Only IDE

Since about 2000, the IDE has been mostly localized into a variety of languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. I say “mostly” localized because property names that appear in the Inspector, for example, have never been localized as this would create confusion when you go to use them in your code. However, a mostly but not completely localized product is not very helpful especially when the documentation itself is not localized.

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Building for Windows/Linux on Newer Macs

We have discovered what we believe to be a bug in OS X Mavericks specifically on newer Macs. Apple started using Intel’s new Haswell processor in the MacBook Air in June, the iMac in September and the MacBook Pro in October. When you build for either Windows or Linux from OS X, any images you dragged into your project are converted to BMP format. The bug we discovered (which we have reported to Apple – RADAR case 15546907) results in a banding of the converted graphic.

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The Xojo Plugins Folder

Xojo ships with 5 database plugins in the Plugins folder. These plugins are what you use to connect to the following database servers and ODBC:

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL

The ODBC database plugin allows you to connect to any database engine that supports ODBC connections.

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