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Category: Community

Posts about the Xojo Community, events and activities.

Minimizing Overhead in Xojo Applications: Techniques, Tips, and Tricks

In the world of software development, efficiency is a central aspect. This is especially true for applications developed in Xojo. Excessive overhead can significantly impair performance and negatively affect the user experience. In this article, we will take a detailed look at what overhead is, how to identify it, and what techniques, tips, and tricks can be used to minimize it. We will particularly focus on using code profiling.

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Spotlight On: xDev Magazine

Launched in the summer of 2002, xDev is a bimonthly digital publication. Every issue is packed with over 70 pages of vital information: step-by-step tutorials by Xojo experts, columns for the beginner and expert, “behind-the-scenes” postmortems of popular programs made with Xojo, fascinating interviews, handy tips, product reviews and Xojo news. Subscribers to xDev receive download links to the PDF edition via email.

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Clean Coding in Xojo: Best Practices for Writing Maintainable Code

Clean coding is a vital aspect of software development that ensures code readability, maintainability, and scalability. In the context of Xojo, adhering to clean coding principles can significantly enhance the quality and longevity of your projects. In this blog post, we’ll explore key practices for clean coding in Xojo, including the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches, with detailed examples and explanations.

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WWDC 2024 for Xojo Users

Last week, Xojo MVP Gavin Smith attended the WWDC 2024 event in Cupertino. He found the event uplifting and exciting, and I was able to talk with many people and share perspectives with them. Learn More.

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Advanced File Processing Techniques: Using Chunks for Handling Large Files

A recent blog post, A Beginner’s Guide to Handling Text Files in Xojo, covered the basics of text file handling in Xojo. This post delves into advanced techniques for reading and writing large files in chunks. This method is crucial for managing large datasets efficiently, minimizing memory usage, and maintaining application performance.

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Docker, Database Servers and Xojo

There are many ways to develop with Xojo and use Database Servers. You might be working on a multi user Desktop Application that stores data in a Database. Or you’re creating a multi user Xojo Web Application that needed to be scaled up to a couple of running instances – and use a Database for data storage. Or maybe you’ve written a mobile application that connects to a Backend REST API – again possibly written in Xojo (e.g. with the open source Express, or with Xojo Web).

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