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Category: Tips

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Tip: Setting the Background Color in WebDialogs

I was recently asked how to set the background color in a WebDialog. There are a few approaches you can take to accomplish this. The simplest one is to add a rectangle as a layer of the WebDialog and set a color to it. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to set the background color by accessing the style property of the object in the DOM model and setting it there. 

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iOS User Authentication with Face ID

With the new UserAuthentication class available in Xojo 2021 Release 1, you can now easily ask an iOS user to authenticate themselves using Face ID, Touch ID or with their password/passcode. In an iOS project, add a UserAuthentication object to your screen and change its name to Authenticator.

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The MobileMoviePlayer is a relatively new iOS feature in the Xojo Programming language. To use MobileMoviePlayer start a new iOS project and drag the MoviePlayer control from the Library onto a Screen.

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A Functional ForEach

When looping through an array, I am a big fan of using For Each as I find it more readable than using a For loop with a counter and looking up the item in the array with the counter. Sometimes it’s fun to do stuff just because you can! Plus, it makes for a good excuse to learn about some more advanced Xojo features

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Folder Contents in a Menu, Redux

Since I was asked for a few enhancements, here’s a quick update to my previous Folder Contents in a Menu post from earlier this week. Enhancements include: Display the requested folder in the menu.
Sort the folder contents.
Skip files that cannot be accessed.

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