The Fun with Files webinar (which occurred on Tuesday, April 8th) covered many ways that you can work with files in your Xojo apps. Did you miss it? If so, here is a quick recap.
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In Xojo 2014 Release 1 there is now an If operator that can return a result.
Comments closedXojo 2014 Release 1 includes several IDE improvements to general performance, the Inspector, tabs and auto-complete.
Comments closedOne frequent request we get is to make it so users can run an application in any language that an app is built for and NOT the one the OS would use (for OS X see this blog post, Windows and Linux aren’t quite so dynamic).
But sometimes we get requests to be able to create an application that can run in a language that is NOT the same one used by the OS.
Comments closedIn Xojo, extension methods are methods that, while not part of the original definition of a type, are treated as though they are part of that data type.
Comments closedXojo 2013 Release 4.1 added a variety of RSA encryption functions for handling public/private key encryption. Here’s how you use them.
Comments closedA recent forum conversation asked for tips on how you might create a preference file. Here are some suggestions.
4 CommentsDid you know that you can use the IDE Scripting feature of Xojo to automate many tasks?
Comments closedBuild Automation is a feature of Xojo that allows you to automatically run “steps” before and after you build your project. Are you taking advantage of this useful feature?
Comments closedAs I mentioned in a previous post, beginning with Xojo 2013r4 we will no longer be localizing the IDE into any European languages. Some of our German users on OS X were surprised this morning when they launched today’s release (2013r4) expecting to get the English version of the IDE only to discover it in Japanese instead. Is this a bug?
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