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Tag: Beginner Tips

Beginner Tips: Threading in Xojo

Many times, when we create a desktop application which is doing huge processes, it happens that the responsiveness of our app can be interrupted for few seconds. As developers we need to avoid such scenarios because we want to keep the interaction between the user and the app constant while it’s in use. You have to imagine that our customer doesn’t have a developer’s mindset and will not wait more than 5 seconds if the app freezes. Threading is a great solution to these situations.

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Rubber Ducky, You’re the One

Yuck! It happens to everyone, from beginners to experienced developers: sometimes you’ll get stuck. Perhaps the code you’re working on just won’t do what you want or maybe you’re having trouble understanding code plucked from the internet. Talk to the duck. The rubber duck, that is. The term “rubber ducking” or “rubber duck debugging” is a software development technique where you explain the problem you are having to a rubber duck (or appropriate substitute). Often the act of explaining the problem to someone else, even if that someone is not real, can help you figure it out. It might be like inspiration struck.

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Xojo Educational Licenses for Teachers

Educators can download Xojo to a classroom of computers and activate the Xojo Educational license on a build machine. Whether your classroom is Windows, Mac or Linux, the Xojo IDE is cross-platform and free to download. Though you may only be teaching desktop development, your students can stretch their skills and use Xojo’s free IDE to develop web, mobile or Raspberry Pi apps.

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Web Tip: Blocking the Back Button

You are navigating Xojo web 2.0 apps and your use the browser’s back button to return to the previous page of the app. But rather than taking you to the previous page, you get a message that the app lost connection to the sever. This is even more common on a mobile device where we tend to use the back gesture to return to the previous page.

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A Gem in Xojo 2021r2

The ability to specify “White Space” for the trim functions was introduced and largely ignored apart from the release notes. Using Trim (or LTrim or RTrim) will remove spaces from the beginning, end or both of your string. The new function allows you to specify what you want to trim.

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Tip: Setting the Background Color in WebDialogs

I was recently asked how to set the background color in a WebDialog. There are a few approaches you can take to accomplish this. The simplest one is to add a rectangle as a layer of the WebDialog and set a color to it. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to set the background color by accessing the style property of the object in the DOM model and setting it there. 

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