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Tag: Font

TTC to TTF File Converter

TTC files are TrueType Collection files that contain the data needed to represent multiple font styles and font weights; this is a collection. On the other hand, TTF files are TrueType Font files, that contains the data required to work with only one font style or one font weight (for example: Regular, Bold or Light).

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QuickTip: Using SF Symbols in macOS … revisited!

Earlier this year ago I wrote a post about using the SF Font symbols on macOS Picture.SystemImagein iOS apps. However that technique has some downsides. For one, the symbol glyphs are hardcoded, which means that it’s not possible to access the new symbols added to the SF Font by Apple. In addition, it isn’t possible to set the font weight and scale for the glyph. In this new post, I’ll show a more flexible way to work with these symbols on macOS 11+.

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Xojo’s PDFDocument Class, Beyond the Standard 14 and More

One of the trickier things when dealing with PDF document creation is typography. By default, the PDF typography handling in Xojo’s PDFDocument class includes the “standard 14“, 14 typefaces you can use freely without requiring them to be included as part of the document itself. This guarantees a very important thing: any user can open and view that PDF document as it was created, without the text suffering from typography substitution, style lost, variations in kerning and tracking, etc. The standard 14 include Times, Courier, Helvetica, Symbol and Zapf Dingbats.

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Code Editor Fonts

There are a wide variety of fonts that work great with the Xojo code editor. All are much better choices than using System or Courier! For best results, you are going to want to use a monospaced font. Read on for some of my favorites.

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