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Tag: Mobile

Loading 3rd Party Frameworks in Xojo iOS

Did you know that it’s possible to load and use 3rd Party Frameworks in your Xojo iOS projects? There’s quite a number of good projects out there, many of which are on sites like GitHub and freely available for use in your projects. If you’re familiar with Declares in iOS, loading a 3rd Party framework requires just a couple of extra lines of code and a CopyFilesStep.

Last year at XDC 2018, Jérémie Leroy talked about making sure your screenshots mimicked the Apple method so that the date was always Jun 9th, the time was always 9:41 AM, the battery always shows as full and the WiFi strength always shows full. It got me thinking that it might be handy to be able to make the simulator always show those values when you do a debug run so that you don’t need to think about it when you are ready to start taking screenshots and movies of your app. One way to do that is to build & run project like SimulatorStatusMagic on the simulator before running your project, but it would be more useful if it was automatic.

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The Two-Finger Tap: Undo Gesture for iOS Apps

The only built-in gesture for undo on iOS at the moment is to shake the device. This is not very intuitive to me and I’ve certainly done it by accident many times. The makers of Procreate chose a two-finger tap and have found that their users adapted to it nicely. This gesture is being adopted by more and more iOS developers. Here’s all the code you need to implement the two-finger tap for undo in your Xojo iOS apps.

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Extend your iOS Toolbox

Developing for iOS with Xojo can be quick and easy, but if you need more power for your app’s controls, your options are:

  • study the Apple documentation, which can take time and building the right declares from scratch is not trivial; or
  • use one of the many open source projects, though you may end up having to import things that you don’t want or need;

If you don’t have the time or inclination for these options, Falco Software’s extensions could be what you are looking for. The extensions work similarly to Xojo, just drag the control and start developing. No alien objects to create, no extra code to maintain. Here are some examples of where Falco Software’s extensions can simplify and speed up your iOS development.

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#JustCode Challenge Week 14 – Marching Band ScoreKeeper

For the final week of the #JustCode Challenge I’ve made an iOS app that keeps the score for high school marching band shows. The ScoreKeeper app lets you add a show or event and then set the scores when they are announced at the end of the show. Though this is for marching band, it can easily be adjusted to keep track of a set of scores for any sort of competition or game.

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#JustCode Challenge Week 13 – Xojo Speed

When Geoff and I were driving around Germany with Christian Schmitz of MBS Software before the MBS Xojo Conference started, the topic of speed limits on the autobahn came up. Christian mentioned than many cars in Germany have the speedometer set to display a speed that is a little higher than what you are actually doing. I have noticed that my Toyota Tacoma shows 70mph on the speedometer when it is really going more like 67.

Geoff wondered if there was a way to determine how accurate your car’s speedometer was and it made me think of a Xojo iOS app I had made a while ago: Xojo Speed.

Run Xojo Speed on your iPhone while you’re driving and it uses the iOSLocation class to calculate the miles per hour or kilometers per hour in a large, easy-to-read display.

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#JustCode Challenge Week 7 – Pitch Tracker

As many know, I’m a big baseball fan. I was recently at Sea Dogs game (our local AA minor league team) and was sitting behind home plate alongside many scouts who were carefully watching the pitchers. I noticed several were tracking pitch counts using an app on a tablet or laptop. I thought that would make for an interesting app to make in Xojo, so this week I’ve made an iOS app (I’m on an iOS roll it seems) to track the location of pitches, similar to what I observed the scouts using.

The app shows a grid of the strike zone and you tap where the pitch was. You can use the buttons on the bottom to mark the pitch as a ball, strike or in play changing its color. Click the Reset button to clear the pitches for the next batter.

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#JustCode Challenge Week 4 – Mini Golf ScoreKeeper

Sometimes the idea for a great little app comes down to solving a silly little problem.

Last month, the family went mini-golfing for my son’s birthday. It was a lovely course called Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf right next to the ocean. But they didn’t have scoring stands and we had to use a tiny pencil on a little cardboard scorecard to keep score. So this week’s app is a simple iOS app track of mini-golf scores!

The iOS app has two screens. The main screen has a giant Table that lists all the 18 holes. You tab on the detail button for a row (it’s the “I” icon) to go to the scoring screen.

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