Welcome to part two of our three part series on building an iOSTableView control for use in Xojo web projects using the WebSDK.
In part 1 of this series we walked through the process of pulling apart an iOSTableView control into the structure of an HTML unordered list and created the classes necessary to render our control in a web project. Now, in part 2, I’ll show you how to get the control to look right…and we’ll be doing that with a lot of CSS.
The first thing we need to do is to go back to each of the Render methods and add a CSS class to each level so we can apply targeted styles on them.
Function Render() As String dim sa() as string sa.Append "<li class=""iOSTableViewRow"">" sa.Append self.Caption sa.Append "</li>" return join(sa, EndOfLine) End Function
Function Render() As String dim sa() as string sa.Append "<div class=""iOSTableView_header"">" + self.Caption + "</div>" sa.Append "<ul>" for i as integer = 0 to UBound(items) sa.Append items(i).Render() next sa.Append "</ul>" return join(sa, EndOfLine) End Function
Function SetupHTML() As String dim sa() as string sa.Append "<div id=""" + self.ControlID + """ class=""iOSTableView"">" for i as integer = 0 to UBound(groups) sa.Append groups(i).Render() next sa.Append "</div>" return join(sa, EndOfLine) End Function
Now that we have the CSS class attributes in place, we can start giving this control some style.
Let’s start by getting the headers drawing correctly. We want the headers to have a gray background, with a little bit of padding around them and for them to be located at the top of the containing element. In iOSTableView.SetupCSS, add the following code:
// Headers dim st as new WebControlCSS st.Selector = ".iOSTableView_header" st.Value("background-color") = "rgba(240,240,240,0.9)" st.Value("padding") = "5px" st.Value("top") = "0px" styles.Append st
We also need the individual items to be flush left. We’re going to adjust any <ul> elements within our table view:
// Adjust list padding and margin of the list st = new WebControlCSS st.Selector = ".iOSTableView ul" st.Value("padding-left") = "0" st.Value("margin") = "0px" styles.Append st
If you run the project now, you’ll see something like this:
Now lets add some style to the rows. In the iOSTableView.SetupCSS event, add the following:
// Add iOS appearance to rows li tags st = new WebControlCSS st.Selector = ".iOSTableView ul li.iOSTableViewRow" st.Value("background-color") = "#FFFFFF" st.Value("border-bottom") = "1px solid #D4D2D6" st.Value("display") = "block" st.Value("font-size") = "17px" st.Value("font-weight") = "bold" st.Value("padding") = "12px 10px" st.Value("text-decoration") = "none" st.Value("color") = "#000" styles.Append st
Wow! We’re making real progress here! If you run the project, you’ve got something that actually looks like an iOSTableView now.
We’ve gone from design to something that looks right, but it still doesn’t do anything. Next time we’ll add kinetic scrolling and respond to events!