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August is Bug Bash Month at Xojo

We are excited to announce that during the entire month of August the majority of our engineering team will be focusing on a Bug Bash!

The Xojo MVPs give us regular feedback on issues affecting the community at large – sometimes that is about a new feature, early testing of a release or more general matters. Recently the MVPs emphasized to us that bugs that don’t affect a lot of users, but can be really annoying to a small group of users, don’t get much attention. We talked about how to best address some of these issues and since we haven’t done a Bug Bash in a while, we decided it was time to do one.

Nominating a Bug for the Bug Bash

Starting now, each user can nominate up to 10 bugs to be fixed during the Bug Bash. You don’t have to nominate them all at once, we will accept nominations through August 31st. To nominate a bug, post this exact language as a comment on the case(s) you wish to nominate in Issues: [BugBash2022Nominee]. Starting in August, our system will add a Bug Bash label to make it easy to find them.

If you find that a case is already nominated with the Bug Bash label, do not add it again. Per usual, if the case affects you, add a “thumbs up” so we have some idea of how many users are affected by a particular bug. Please note that Feature Requests will not be considered for the Bug Bash.

Not every case that is nominated will be fixed. There are a multitude of reasons for this, but each case nominated will be evaluated and we’ll let you know the outcome.

We hope you’ll participate in the Bug Bash. No case is too old, too small or too esoteric! Submit your nominations today!