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Author: Dana Brown

XDC 2021 Has New Dates

The in-person element of our conference is a huge benefit of attending and it’s something you don’t get from a virtual event. COVID restrictions continue to be in place for both travel to the UK and in-person events and there’s a lot of uncertainty of what the coming months will look like. As a result, we have made the decision to move the conference to later next year, instead of doing a virtual conference in the spring. So get ready to get re-excited about XDC – mark your calendar for October 13-15, 2021 for XDC London !

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Passport to XDC

We’re sure you have April 21-23, 2021 marked in your calendar for the first Xojo Developer Conference in London! With registrations nearly at 50% capacity, we can tell that a lot of you are as excited as we are! Of course, for many of us, it’s hard to imagine that the state of the world will be such that we can travel internationally in just 8 months time. As I have mentioned in several of the Xojo Hangouts recently, I am very hopeful that things will get better soon and that we can gather safely to have an amazing conference. But anything is possible at this point.

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Why I am excited about XOJO.CONNECT … and why you should be too!

Geoff used an interesting metaphor in a conversation recently. He said, “Since we have been working on so many multi-year projects, 2019 had a bit of a drought of big new features, but in 2020 we are predicting rain … lots of rain.” This really got me thinking about how different XOJO.CONNECT 2020 will be from the past few Xojo Developer Conferences.

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What is Xojo Pro Plus…and what it is not

Recently we changed the name of Xojo Enterprise to Xojo Pro Plus. This brought about a lot of questions. For users whose businesses rely on Xojo, upgrading to Xojo Pro Plus can be very beneficial. For everyone else in the community, this change doesn’t effect you or your Xojo license.

We offer a range of license types as well as ways for users to get additional help from us. But our help comes at an opportunity cost for us because if we are helping someone with their issue, we aren’t helping others at that time. Xojo Pro users get higher priority support than Xojo Desktop users, who get higher priority support than Xojo Lite users, who get higher priority support than those using Xojo for free. Xojo Pro Plus users get the highest priority support of all.

Here is what Xojo Pro Plus is, what it isn’t and what that means for you.

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3 Things Developers Need To Release Their App Right

So you’ve created an app that you plan to sell, now you’re done, right? Nope, not even close! Developing your app is just step one. Marketing and promoting your app is the key to its commercial success, starting with announcing it. We talked to one successful Xojo developer who has several apps in the App Store. He told us that he spends 50% of his time on development and 50% of his time on marketing. Marketing. You think it’s just something for the Pros or people with a big offering, but it’s not.

Making sure everyone knows about your new app or latest update is really important. I have been in PR/Marketing for many years and have seen it all! The biggest mistake I see is developers forgetting to put a link back to their website or sitelet when talking about their app. In announcements and on social media it’s so important to make sure people can find you easily! Here are the 3 most essential steps you should take when announcing your app (or release) to the world.

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Name Your App

Naming your app may seem like the last step and the easiest part of the process, but it actually should involve some careful thought and consideration. A name needs to set the right tone for your app, should relate to it in some way, and should be searchable, meaning something that can be found easily in search engines. For example, you don’t want to name your app TravelTips – there are thousands of google searches that will come up before your app. You want a name you can own.

When we changed our name from Real Studio to Xojo, we wanted to make sure we could find a name that we could own. Not only was Xojo a pretty wide open space in terms of search, but it also stands for something that describes what Xojo is – X is for Cross-platform and “OJO” is for Object-Oriented.

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