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Author: Geoff Perlman

Make Your Apps Super Smart, Start Calling ChatGPT in Xojo

Being able to call ChatGPT from inside your apps for specific purposes opens up a world of new possibilities. ChatGPT is an AI or more specifically a Large Language Model (LLM). To make using ChatGPT in Xojo easier, you can use the new ChatGPTConnection class. You can find an example project showing you how by launching Xojo, clicking on Examples in the Project Chooser and then looking in the AI section. Using this class, you can make use of ChatGPT from within your Xojo projects.

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Xojo and Apple Vision Pro

Apple has released the developer documentation for Vision Pro, their recently announced mixed reality headset. So far, it looks promising that iOS apps written in Xojo will just work. Of course, we don’t yet have one of these to use for testing. If we did, we’d be too busy playing with it to write this blog post, however we have tried running some Xojo iOS projects in the Vision Pro Simulator and they work without modification so that’s a very good sign.

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Testing REST-based Web Services

Using Xojo’s URLConnection to communicate with web services is pretty straightforward. But testing the actual REST API calls can get tricky. To make it easier to test and experiment with REST API calls, Paul created a app in Xojo for doing just this. He called it RESTy in its original format back in 2015. You can download the updated project here built with Xojo 2022r4.1.

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