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Author: Javier Menendez

New Additions to DesktopChart, MobileChart and WebChart

DesktopChart, MobileChart, and WebChart have received some new features and improvements based mostly on user feedback. New features include a new Stacked chart type, more customization options for the already supported chart types and improvements to the chart control itself. Continue reading to get the details about all these great new things in Xojo.

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iOS: KeyDown Arrives to MobileCanvas

As a direct result of user feedback, starting with Xojo 2023r2, the MobileCanvas control on iOS can now receive KeyDown events from the user, both from the on-device keyboard and any connected keyboard. In addition, this support is available in MobileTextArea, MobileTextField and MobileScreen.

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Creating a Number Class

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a Number class that can tell you when its value has been actually set, along with other methods to manage how it is used while demonstrating some common object-oriented techniques and features such as operator overloading. You’ll be able to create a Number from an Integer, Double or String.

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Filtering the Debugger

Starting with Xojo 2023r1 you’ll find a new feature in Xojo’s Debugger panel that allows you to filter the objects and variables displayed, even between different project runs! This lets you stay focused on the more important objects and variables instead of scrolling through the list of all entries.

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Algorithm: Equally Spaced Ranges

There are some situations where you may need a range of numbers that is equally spaced. For example, when given a minimum and a maximum value within which a set of numbers that need to be equally spaced. This is useful if you are designing an UI control displaying “ticks” or for the axis of a graphic chart displaying cartesian values. Continue reading to see a technique to do just this.

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