With Apple Music now available, streaming services have really reached the mainstream. For those not in the know, a streaming service gives you access to their entire music library for a small monthly subscription. Rather than buying music you want to listen to, you have access to 20+ million songs that you can listen to at any time.
Comments closedAuthor: Paul Lefebvre
Although not a new trend in software development, rapid application development (
RAD for short) is again on the upswing. What is RAD? It’s all about creating software quickly. The technology world is
always changing rapidly and change only seems to accelerate. Being able to create your own software and easily adapt to changes is incredibly important to nearly every business.
Speaking at one of their conferences, Gartner principal research analyst Adrian Leow said last week that enterprises are increasingly finding it difficult to build all the mobile apps they need. The demand for mobile apps is increasing far faster than the supply of mobile developers can create them and it’s only going to get worse. This is clearly a problem.
There are three possible solutions to this problem:
- Find a way to decrease the demand of mobile apps. (Good luck with that one.)
- Increase the number of mobile developers.
- Decrease the time it takes to build mobile apps.
Solutions 2 and 3 are not mutually exclusive. You could potentially do both. Adrian Leow even points to the solution when he suggests that developers use rapid mobile app development tools. These tools can provide solution 3, but they don’t create necessarily create more developers.
Comments closedIn this episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks with Justin Elliott, IT and Development Manager at Penn State University.
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Comments closedOne of the things announced at WWDC last week (that was not announced in the WWDC Keynote) is that Apple has now combined the separate iOS and Mac Developer Programs into the single Apple Developer Program. So what does this mean for Xojo developers?
Comments closedIn this episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks with Ken Whitaker, the Managing Director of Leading Software Maniacs, an expert in leadership, project management and Agile development.
Comments closedLast week we kicked of the Xojo Wars community battle with a webinar describing what it is and the prizes you can win. Here’s more information for those that could not attend or have not watched the recording.
Comments closedIn this episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks with Mike Cotrone, owner of Intelligent Visibility, makers of some powerful networking apps that are all created with Xojo.
Comments closedThanks to some assistance from William Yu and the folks at combit, we now have a sample project that shows you how to use List & Label with Xojo. List & Label is a Windows (.NET-based) reporting tool that can create some sophisticated reports.
Comments closedIn this episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks with Paul Levine, maker of EverWeb, the Mac (and soon Windows) Web site builder.
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