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Author: Paul Lefebvre

PostgreSQL SSL Connection


Your Xojo apps can connect to many different databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and ODBC. Learn more about connecting to different database servers here.

We get all sorts of questions about connecting your apps to specific databases. Recently, a developer  asked about connecting his app to the PostgreSQL database using SSL for a secure connection. In Xojo this is simple.

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Take advantage of your multi-core processor

Nearly all CPUs used by your devices, from computers to tablets to phones, now contain multiple CPU cores. With a multi-core CPU, your computer can literally do multiple things at one time, which is called multiprocessing. And with a little careful planning, your Xojo apps can use multiprocessing for significant performance improvements in your apps.

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Xojo Apps in the Mac App Store

Is it possible to put a Xojo-made application in the Mac App Store?

The answer is simple: Absolutely.

However, it can be a lot of work and you’ll have to pay heed to Apple’s rules regarding the Mac App Store and follow their very stringent requirements.

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Accessing the User Interface from a Thread

Perhaps you already knew, but with desktop apps it has always been considered bad form to directly access any part of your user interface from within a Thread. Alas, even though this was frowned upon, it generally worked in most of your desktop apps.

Starting with 2013r1, this no longer works with Xojo for Cocoa apps. If a Cocoa app tries to access the UI from a thread, a ThreadAccessingUIException is raised. But what exactly does “accessing the UI” mean? In the case of Cocoa, it means any access to a built-in property or method on any UI control or Window. You can access your own methods or properties added to control subclasses as long as they do not access the UI themselves.

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